Floyd the Cthuli of Oz

Floyd the Cthuli of Oz
Click on Floyd to purchase a copy of The Martian Invasion of Oz

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Ten Greatest Tiny Races

The Munchkins play a large role in A Zen Master In Oz but they are but one of the many races of vertically challenged folks in popular fiction. Here is where I stack the best of the
sci-fi/fantasy shortstacks.
10. The Hobbits - Tolkien's favorite shorties.
9. The Nelwyns - George Lucas' Hobbit knockoff's from Willow. They beat out Hobbits because Warwick Davis is a thousand times cooler than Elisha Wood.
8. The Dwarves - Tolkien's grumpy, cave loving hard cases.
7. The Ewoks - Lucas' bloodthristy teddy bears from the Moon of Endor.
6. The Jawas - C-3P0 can't abide these little half-pint, cosmic rag and bone men.
5. The Oompa-Loompas - Willy Wonka's creepy chocolate addicted labor force.
4. The Graske - Doctor Who and his pal Sarah Jane's pint-sized troublemaking pals.
3. The Goblins - The knee high jerks that terrorized the young Jennifer Connelly in Labyrinth.
2. The Munchkins - The Evil Witch hating denizens of the Country of the Munchkins.
1. What Ever Yoda Is - Was there any doubt?

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